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The liquid flows into the removable bottles at each level. The sampler comes as standard in 3 convenient lengths.

1. Push the sampler into the liquid 
2. Pull the hand chain which will lift the lid off the bottles
3. Remove the sampler and then unscrew the bottles from each location 

Part NumberModelLengthVolumeNumber of Sampling PointsMaterial
SS-5045A-1000Multi Dipper 21000250 ml3316L stainless steel
SS-5045A-1500Multi Dipper 21500250 ml3316L stainless steel
SS-5045A-2000Multi Dipper 22000250 ml3316L stainless steel
SS-8165A-250Square Bottle-250 ml-HDPE
SS-8165A-500Square Bottle-500 ml-HDPE
Model Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
1000mm - Multi Dipper 2 1000mm - Multi Dipper 2
$ 0.00
1500mm - Multi Dipper 2 1500mm - Multi Dipper 2
$ 0.00
2000mm - Multi Dipper 2 2000mm - Multi Dipper 2
$ 0.00
250ml Square Bottle - Multi Dipper 2 250ml Square Bottle - Multi Dipper 2
$ 0.00
500ml Square Bottle - Multi Dipper 2 500ml Square Bottle - Multi Dipper 2
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

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