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Part NumberModelLengthWeight
AM-214.22Concrete Bit SDS Max1 ½"4.20 lbs
AM-214.26Wild Bore SDS Max2 ½"6.59 lbs
AM-260.40Core Bit Complete With Splined Adapter3"7.18 lbs
AM-260.42Core Bit Complete With SDS Adapter3"6.78 lbs
AM-260.44Heavy Duty Core Bit3"4.00 lbs
AM-260.46Heavy Duty Splined Adapter (AM-260.40, AM-260.32 &AM-260.33 Only)-3.34 lbs
AM-260.48Heavy Duty SDS Max Adapter (AM-260.42, AM-260.32 &AM-260.33 Only)-3.06 lbs
Model Item Quantity Unit Price Line Total
Concrete Bit SDS Max - Concrete Coring Bits Concrete Bit SDS Max - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Wild Bore SDS Max - Concrete Coring Bits Wild Bore SDS Max - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Core Bit with Splined Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits Core Bit with Splined Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Core Bit with SDS Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits Core Bit with SDS Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Heavy Duty Core Bit - Concrete Coring Bits Heavy Duty Core Bit - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Heavy Duty Splined Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits Heavy Duty Splined Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
Heavy Duty SDS Max Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits Heavy Duty SDS Max Adapter - Concrete Coring Bits
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

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